Candace Ott
This past weekend I had a spontaneous moment, resulting in a fun mistake that soon lost it's appeal in a day.  I dyed my hair.

I had chosen a dark brown intense auburn color.  The color on the box was pretty, and I have the dark eyebrows to pull it off, so I bought the dye.  Usually I'm really careful about hair dye, but this particular day I was feeling a bit impulsive.  It turns out that this particular dye was only meant for dark brown hair to begin with, and when the dye bottle turned bright orange, I realized that my dark blond hair might be in for a shock.

By the time all the dye was in my hair, I looked like someone dipped my head in a bucket of blood orange paint!  The end result was a shocking head of intense cranberry red hair (it was actually redder than the picture).

I have to confess that I initially loved it!  It was wild, crazy, and somehow I could manage to pull the look off.  This excitement wore off as soon as I had to pick up Christmas cards the next day.

My first time in public with this new look, definitely gained attention, but not exactly the kind I wanted.  My first compliment came from a guy with 1" plugs in his ears, a sleeve of tattoos, and really long hair. Although he was a genuinely nice guy, I wondered momentarily if I had joined a club or something with my new look.  Aside from that, I had a few people stare at me, including a little old man, which made me feel ashamed momentarily.

I bought a new dye for medium brown hair after two days, and quickly went to work at home.  The end result... the initial color I had wanted! A dark brown intense auburn! 

I definitely learned my lesson... READ the hair dye box rather than just choosing picture on the box! haha.

<3 Candace
Candace Ott
In my previous post about my book goal, I never mentioned what I was currently reading. So here they are: "The Easy Learn To Crochet In Just One Day", "The Mother of all Pregnancy Books", and The Bible. I've been trying to read through the entire Bible for years... I finally re-started last year, keeping up with my church's readings. I'm only 1/3 through, there's so much detail! As for the crochet book, I think that's pretty obvious. :-) And the pregnancy book... well, I'll start by saying that I'm not pregnant... BUT, it never hurts to educate yourself about something that will eventually happen. ;-)

I will confess that being a housewife has brought the thought of children off the back-burner. I never realized just how strong a woman's instinct to mother and nurture could be! Just a couple weeks ago I nearly brought a dog home - I was completely smitten. The burning desire to care for a dog died down once I got home, but my desire to mother/nurture soon became very apparent when the thought turned to babies. My entire life, I always knew I wanted to be a mom, and my internal clock must have started working recently... because the instinct is like a hunger!

One day I'll get to step into the shoes of motherhood... and what an amazing day that will be!